Here are some more highlights from the review...
"The Series 7 Monitor system delivered dynamic range best described as effortless... The ability of the Monitor system to reproduce the pulsating sound effects greatly increased my enjoyment"
"The great timbral matching of the Series 7 speakers was evident... sound quality didn't change as the sound moved from speaker to speaker."
"One thing I noticed when listening to the Center 3 was that I didn't notice it. Dialogue was clear and clean, and it never drew attention to itself."
"As for the Monitor Sub 12, I was amazed at the volume and tightness of the bass this small box produced... the deep excursion of its cone was enough to generate loud playback levels in my room."
"Although I found the appearance of the Monitor Series 7 speakers a bit average, their performance was anything but, and well worth hearing at your Paradigm dealer."
Click here! to read Vince's review in full.
For more information on the Monitor Series 7 click here.
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