"The two Sub 12s passed the shake’n’rattle test with flying colors. With the two subs and the PBK, the bass was deep, tight, and well controlled"
"For bass transients, a mark of a good sub is whether or not gunshots sound abrupt and distinct, or if they wallow and meld into each other. The Sub 12s passed this test, too... Each gunshot was distinct and tight through the Paradigms, which upped the realism quotient a few notches. This isn’t the case with lesser subs, especially small ported designs, which tend to moosh together the gunshot thuds."

"Using the PT-2 was dead simple... the PT-2 worked flawlessly in my room."
"Another great addition to Paradigm's subwoofer line is the Perfect Bass Kit, or PBK... as with the PT-2, setup was dead easy. The whole procedure took about five minutes per subwoofer."
"On its own, without the Perfect Bass Kit or the PT-2 Wireless Transmitter, Paradigm’s Series 7 Monitor Sub 12 was a reasonably good subwoofer that performed as well as other subs in its price range; I have no reason to dissuade you from buying one. But two Sub 12s with PBK and PT-2 made an exceptional combo. The depth of bass, the transient performance, and all the features such as wireless transmission and room correction put it in a higher class, and that makes it one of the best options at the price available today."
All that and the GoodSound! "Great Buy" stamp of approval?
We think that deserves a pat on the back for Paradigm.
Click here! to read the full Monitor SUB 12 review.
Click here! for more information on the Monitor SUB 12.
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