October 10, 2012

"Beneath that glossy exterior is a well developed and hugely enjoyable loudspeaker" - Hi-Fi World on the A2

Adam Smith of Hi-Fi World in the UK recently published "Spectral Shift", a review on the Paradigm A2 powered speaker from our SHIFT Series. In his review of the product, Smith called the A2s "a very surprising loudspeaker". And what made it surprising? "Beneath the glossy exterior is a well developed and hugely enjoyable loudspeaker."

Another favourite quote includes: "I always like my review surprises to be of the pleasant varierty and the A2s may be little on the outside but they have a mighty big heart on the inside. They really do love to punch out a rollicking tune and can come up with a bass line that belies their diminutive dimensions."

But rather than ruin the whole review, take a look for yourself! 
Click here! to read the full A2 review by Hi-Fi World.

For more information or to buy the A2, Click here!

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