July 31, 2017

Persona 9H Labelled a "World Class Speaker" by TONEAudio

Fantastic feedback from the pros at TONEAudio:

"The new Persona 9H from Paradigm Speakers f***ing rocks! You COULD drop a hundred grand on a pair of Wilsons, YG's or Magicos, (and none of these choices have ...powered woofers with built in) or you can spend $35,000 on a pair of Paradigms and the other $65,000 traveling all over the world for about three months buying cool records. This is a world class speaker folks. Powered by a compliment of Foundation series components from Audio Research Corporation, the entire system with a great turntable still won't cost you as much as a pair of boutique-y speakers."

Visit our website for more information about the Persona line.

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