"The 1" P-Be (pure-beryllium) tweeter is a technical marvel... It would not be boasting to say that the P-Be tweeter is one of the most advanced high-frequency drivers ever made."
...But not only did the highs impress Mickelson... "This transition from tweeter to midrange was handled well, the two drivers sounding like one. This is vital to suspending disbelief, a poor transition or sonically mismatched drivers ruining any possibility of achieving realism, at least for me."
"There is a great deal to admire about Paradigm's best-of-the-best effort, including dazzling treble region, thanks to one special tweeter, a well-integrated midrange, and nimble, deep bass. Diligently set up, these speakers convey space, including height information, better than most and better than some that cost many times their price, and they transport you into the unique sonic world of each recording in an exhilarating way."

"Golden-eared audiophiles, and especially the audio press, need to hear these speakers, perhaps again and again, so that the music-making abilities of Paradigm speakers sink in." .... and we agree! Sounds like these speakers did their job in seducing yet another esteemed audiophile.
To read Marc Mickelson's full review of the S8's click here!
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